Journal #20
Image: Words “thank you”
As this is the last writing journal I feel it apropos to thank the professors and the creators of this amazing course, tell them what I have learned, and discuss how it has changed my writing. My writing ability and skills as a whole have improved greatly giving me a rich and plentiful toolbox to draw upon. I now realize the complexity that goes into writing and know that it is far more complicated than I even know now. This inspires me to take more English and writing classes to sharpen the skills I have built in this class. The biggest shift in my writing has come from the understanding of the invoked audience and the realization that I am always writing to a specific audience and not the world. This has opened the gates to writing with a more direct purpose and allows me to understand my writing more as a consequence of an invoked audience.
The changes in my writing will go far beyond the final writings in this course. It will venture into my personal life in my own journals but reach to my academic and professional life as well. It is with pride that I say I can write, that is something I would have doubted before this course. I have the confidence to write with more passion and direction than ever. I thank everyone involved in my ability to take this course and I appreciate the opportunity to learn more than I thought possible in the imperative skill of the written word.