JOurnal #4
(Image: boy yelling into a microphone)
As the years go by it seems that the culture of communication changes with it. This requires people to adapt, change, and even relearn how to communicate in a world where a new iPhone is announced every other month. In my case, I failed to learn the social norms of texting. From what most would say I’m a pretty young guy who's still technically in his teens so this problem of not adapting to texting culture might be surprising. However, the people who know me best would say that I am an old soul. I listen to 40s and 50s big band, I enjoy old traditions, and I will take a phone call over a text. That being said there are obviously some discrepancies in where my texts are misunderstood.
It was a regular Saturday morning and I did what I always do when I wake up. I put on my watch from my bedside table, grab my phone, and send my girlfriend of about a year now a good morning text. Later she responded with a good morning text of her own and asked how I was doing. I respond with the text “fine.”. This apparently means different things to people over text as she immediately responded with “what happened”. I then began to feel confused as I didn't think anything had happened so I said “nothing happened”. At this point, I was trying to think about what had prompted her to ask that question. But I didn't have to wonder for long as I received a phone call a few seconds later. She explained to me that when people send the text fine with a period in the end it indicates someone's discontent or anger. When I sent that text I really was fine, and nothing was wrong in any sense of the word. She advised me that I should simply send “good” when people ask about my state as sending a fine with a period could be interpreted as rude or invite further questioning as she had done.
After reflecting on that experience I am glad it happened, I’m sure after learning that new information that I have probably come off as a tad rude or upset when in reality I was perfectly fine. Communication is always evolving in small minute ways that affect our day to day interactions. New slang and social norms for talking, texting, and even emailing are always popping up. It's important to be adaptable so you are understood in this ever-changing society. I now would have approached that text with a quick “I’m good’ instead of the dreaded fine with a period. How people approach social interaction is sometimes not how they come off. I went about my morning thinking nothing was wrong when in reality I had come off as upset to my dear girlfriend. The intent of people’s communications is not always clear and it’s important that people understand that so things don't spiral out of control. Like in this situation a simple clarification was in order, but if I had sent “fine.” to someone the elicit response might have been entirely worse. That experience and experiences like it remind me of the importance of connotation and tone when I’m writing.