Journal #11
Image: white xbox gaming system and controller
The interface I have chosen to write about is the Xbox messaging interface made by microsoft. This is a unique function where players message each other using this platform. The text interface is a particular element that is the point of interest. Players type out messages limited to 500 words although messages typically only are at max 10 characters. The reason for this is how long it takes to type out the messages on the control limiting the person's communication. There are also some other factors to consider. Players can report messages if they deem it inappropriate for the platform, which is rather often. Microsoft then either bans players from the platform or restricts their communication for a set amount of time. Personally the system is rather critical, as a player who won't use profanity or foul language I have still gotten banned for simply telling a bad player they were bad. I think that Microsoft limits freedom of speech by banning people for simply criticizing their fellow players when they are clearly playing unsportsmanlike or simply just poor playing ability.